I'm currently looking for new work opportunities. I'm looking for Front-end work, but if you have any positions that fit my skillset (which you can find below!), please contact me. You can find me on LinkedIn, or through Email.
- Javascript
- Python
- Java
- C#
- LaTeX
- Bash
- Angular 6-14
- ExpressJS
- Node.js
- Bootstrap
- JQuery
- Jest
- Selenium
- BeautifulSoup
- React.js
- Gatsby (Which this site was built off of!)
Dev Tools
- Git
- Gitlab CI/CD
- Github
- Maven
- Adobe Creative Suite
- Linux
- Created new Authentication flow logic using SSO JWT tokens for Heyday's client-facing dashboard.
- Implemented new login portal for SSO authentication with token redirection and parsing, along with functionality to switch to and from legacy authentication logic using Angular 12 and RxJS.
- Added interactivity with Facebook Messenger API to client dashboard, letting clients add the Heyday chatbot to their Messenger channels.
- Led initiatives to ensure code remained up-to-date and efficient, boosting client dashboard performance by 20%.
- Worked on plans to revamp CI/CD processes for future projects using Gitlab CI/CD and YAML.
- Worked on several user-facing portals for regulatory bodies across Canada and the United States using Angular 6 and PHP.
- Added new functionalities to existing websites using Angular 6 and PHP, as well as ReactJS, Node.js, and Express.js
- Helped develop the latest iteration of Aviva's Quote management tool from scratch using the MEAN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular 8, NodeJS) Stack.
- Utilized the Agile methodology to address concerns and implement changes from clients efficiently.
- Fixed and handled bugs found by QA in a timely manner.
- Converted multiple legacy Java projects from SVN repositories to Git using Maven with IFDS' nexus repository management tool, 3 projects converted by end of term
- Helped develop the newest implementation of the AW Library Links Module, in which C#, HTML, CSS, and the ASP.NET framework were used to create a responsive web-form to be deployed to a userbase of 561 schools, 250 000 students, and 54 000 staff.
- Previously, the Links module only had options for a title, singular category, link types, and a description. Working with a team of 5 other individuals in an agile scrum environment, we congregated with clients biweekly to discuss and implement new features. By the end, I had added the ability to add multiple categories and subcategories (Which involved reworking how data was being stored in the database), two separate thumbnail types, a tag system, and a reworked UI.
- Website displays the upcoming week's comic releases, with the ability to filter by publisher, title, series, etc.
- Weekly script uses Python and BeautifulSoup to scrape and parse data from PREVIEWSworld into a Mongo database; Node and Express is used to create an API, which an Angular front-end interacts with
- A script/website tool to find open/available rooms at UofT's Scarborough Campus
- Weekly script uses Python and BeautifulSoup to scrape and parse data from UTSC's Room Booking website tool into a JSON document; The static website parses the JSON file to display results.
- A simple script to generate polynomials for practice use
- Command Line instruction includes a flag to make the generated polynomials LaTeX-formatted, for worksheet creation.
- A food vendor utility to take orders in a timely fashion
- Created a chatbot using Microsoft Azure and Recast.ai
- Won ”Best Designed Hack” Award at Hack The Valley Hackathon
- Interactive web platform for students to lend and borrow school materials
- Created within 36 hours at the UofTHacks Hackathon
- Made using Python with Flask, HTML, CSS, and Jinja2, with an SQLite database